Intro to Pulling Sports/Canicross

This intro course consists of 2 initial sessions set approximately one week apart.

The first session will be to discuss equipment required, fit, safety, and the commands needed to Canicross (we can teach these on their normal 6ft leash and harness). The first session can be done at your house/around your own neighbourhood. (approx. 2hrs).

The second session will be done after you have the appropriate canicross equipment. We will go out for a proper run, practice the new commands with the canicross setup, and check both you and your dog's running form. We will work on things like passing people and dogs, pace control, starts and stops, and directional control. We will meet at a trail appropriate for your first canicross! (approx. 2hrs).

The package rate for 4 hours of training is $320.00+hst. 

Please contact us to register and to confirm availability.